Monday, June 17, 2013

This is 4 yesterday.

"I'm Flying Away" by Stepper

Ok, I'm behind I know. Why? because yesterday was a TRAVEL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I flew with the Momster because this is my GRADUATION WEEK yodizzles! So what important events happened yesterday... Oh nothing much... Well... except for the fact that I GOT AN IPHONE 5 WITH AN ELEPHANT CASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!

You see, there was this whole traveling fiasco a while back when I ended up getting my phone stolen. I was then stuck with my mom's elderly blackberry with duct tape on the back.
Wait, no touch screen?
So I had to use this mediocre thing and it was the worst mobile phone experience of my life. Web surfing was complicated, texting was hard, and to top it all off, the enter button of which I was under the impression was the ONLY enter button. broke. Rendering me completely incapable of using the phone even for basic function. (There was another enter button I could use, but I had no idea it was there, it wasn't my phone.) 

SOOOOO as a graduation present the parents got me an IPHONE 5!!!! YAY!!! It feels so awesome to be capable of doing things again! I can surf the internet and .listen to my musics and get my apps and I FEEL LIKE THE LORD OF THE UNIVERSE!

It's amazing how much my generation relies on technology. Our Achilles Heel is our rectangles. If all the rectangles were to disappear, I bet society's whole infrastructure would fall apart...

We would all short circuit. 
I'm just happy to have a smart phone again. And I'll never lose it again for the life of me!

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