Tuesday, July 30, 2013

And then the aliens attacked!

It was all over the news! The earth was pretty much screwed! IT HAPPENED DURING THANKSGIVING BREAK and the whole family was together. Amy Rose knew it was time. She had been carrying her costume around for just this moment. BUT KOALA APPROACHED HER JUST AS SHE WAS LEAVING THE FRONT DOOR.

Koala: Where are you going?
Amy Rose: To hang out with my friends.
Amy Rose: No
Koala: WHYYYYYY?!?!
Amy Rose: You'll cramp my style
Koala: (pouting) Ok...

Amy Rose made a safe getaway, or so she thought. Koala used her powers (I'll get into that later) to stalk her sister all the way into the woods.

Koala: What are you doing?
Amy Rose: How did you-
Amy Rose: Yes I am. Don't tell Broadway...
Koala: Wait! Don't you need powers to be a super-(Amy Rose sets a pile of leaves on fire with her electricity) THAT'S SOOOO COOOOOL! ARE YOU GONNA BEAT THE ALIENS!?
Amy Rose: Yep. That's the plan.
Koala: CAN I HELP?!
Amy Rose: Yahno! (She uses electromagnetism to fly away)

Koala wanted to fight the aliens too. But she knew what she needed. A theme song and a costume!

"Waka Laka-United Forces Speedy Mix" by Jenny Rom, The Zippers

Yes I used this in an earlier post but it's a different mix. 

Anyways, this is her theme song because it's a flaming ball of endless energy. Koala can be described as a flaming ball of energy.

The costume came out like this:

Now let me tell you how Koala got her powers.

One time, when she was taking Lil' Muffet for a walk, Lil' Muffet chased a squirrel into the woods. He was able to do this because the leash was too lose. Koala chased him into the woods. They were lost for 3 MONTHS.

One would think they would have never survived.


During that time, Koala had been learning survival skills from Lil' Muffet. She needed the abilities of Lil' Muffet to fight for her life. When they finally found their way home her abilities were completely changed. 

She was incredibly flexible, incredibly swift, and her senses were all heightened to the level of a dog. She actually located The BATCAVE on one instance because The Justice League had ordered pizza there and she wanted a slice. So she stole a slice of pizza without being located. FROM THE JUSTICE LEAGUE. IN THE BATCAVE. 

She was never able to find a great use for her abilities. Except for sports and food location. So when she caught Amy Rose preparing for battle with the aliens, she jumped at the opportunity to use her incredible stealthy dog abilities. She made the claws just for the occasion!

The mother ship had just landed and Koala snuck her way inside undetected.

She was spying on an alien conference discussing how they should take over earth. The aliens kept pointing to China. Then the alarm sounded. Had they spotted her? No. An image appeared on the Alien security feed. Amy Rose had just used her electromagnetic pull to pry open the front door of the mother ship! And now she was blasting the alien guards with lighting bolts.

Koala was so excited that she sprinted to the front door, out maneuvering ALL alien gunshots.

Koala: It was easy, I'm fighting the aliens, No.
Amy Rose: I don't have time to force you to go home right now.
Koala: Well, they want to take over China first.
Amy Rose: What makes you say that?
Koala: I was SPYING!
Amy Rose: Well, you keep doing that. I'll try to take this ship down! 
Koala: (from down the hallway) I'm on it!

Meanwhile, Broadway comes across a gif on Tumblr of her sister prying that door open. She screams so loud that a nearby window cracks oh so slightly...

To Be Continued... 

Enhanced Senses:

The user has extremely accurate senses, allowing them to see, hear, smell, taste, and/or feel more than an average member of their species.

Enhanced Instincts:

The user has stronger instincts than normal, not necessarily predatory or prey, but can battle instincts or parental instincts. The user tends to abandon logic and play with pure instinct, generally making illogical but successful moves.

Peak Human Flexibility:

This ability enables you to be the most flexible of the human species. You can bend, twist or scrunch to a certain degree. Unlike Elasticity, you aren't able to bend or twist parts of the body that aren't bendable or twistable such as the head or spine or to stretch or pull parts inhumanely long or far. This ability has the key word, "human" in it and the word "peak"; meaning to the best of the human ability

Enhanced Reflexes:

User has drastically enhanced reaction speed, allowing them to dodge bullets, catch flies in mid-air, dodge and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to.

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