Friday, June 14, 2013

I would have posted yesterday...

But I spent two hours trying to find the right song for this post... Luckily I did. However, I wanted to sleep...

"Queens Are Never Wrong" by The Backyardigans

So my mom was the queen because it was her birthday. Well, no, not BECAUSE it was her birthday. She is always the queen. But she was even more so today because it was her birthday.
She does a pretty good job most of the time
You see, every year I would always forget when her birthday was coming up. But this time I actually got her something. Sure she reminded me the week of but hey, at least I remembered to get one! Dad usually goes out and gets EVERYTHING. Then I just play along "Yeah... that's from me..."
Don't you LOOOVE the present I GOT YOU?!?!?
But not this time! You want to know what I got her? I GOT HER THIIIIIIS!!!
See, I got a triple home run because
A) I actually got her something
B) It wasn't a gift card
C) It was a CHOCOLATE BOUQUET. And yes. It looks just like the picture.

So when dad came home instead of having a plethora of balloons, he had one BIG balloon. Bean went crazy.
Oh no.
Then she would share her excitement with the rest of the world. LITERALLY.
Bean: RTYOYO!!
Me: Yes
Me: Yes. It is big and pretty cool actually.
Bean: RTYOYO!!
Me: Yes Bean?
Me: Yes, I think we can all agree that it is big.
Bean: RTYOYO!!
Bean: (louder) RTYOYO!!
Bean: (Sanity piercingly loud) RTYOYO!!!!!!
Me: ...Yes?

You should go tell your sister about the balloon...
Bean: WHINEY!!
That action, while it was evil, needed  to be taken for my sanity to stay intact.

Ok. so we already have a plethora of leftover sugary sweets from Whiney's birthday party. Now we have ice cream, hot chocolate, chocolate cake, the Reese's bouquet, and ice pops! Like, I am in heaven right now!
Happy Birthday indeed.
I have cavities to produce so goodbye for now!

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