Saturday, June 1, 2013

What a nice day it is!

"Same Old Drag" by The Apples In Stereo

Ahhhhhh. Why did I choose this song for today? Well. My day was trance-like. I was in the zone...

It was one of those days... You know. Saturday. I slept in. I was in kaleidoscope mode allllll day. I felt enriched and relaxed and oh so creative! And I had three waffles with an omelette for breakfast. I had Easy Mac for lunch. And I made up the best stir fry EVER for dinner just now. I am so zen right now you don't even understand. I am so zen that I could get someone into a car accident.

I'm the GPS right now.
I spent the first half of my day in bed but awake in meditation yet somewhat half asleep as well. Then when I did really wake up, I casually began my Psych Project. Which is a freakin' miracle. This rarely ever happens. When I do schoolwork I usually have to be in a crazy, hyper-agressive, even EXPLOSIVE mood.

But today, I was so chill about starting my psych project...

I conquer with grace...
So then when dinner time came around I basically took all the leftovers in the fridge and threw them in a pan. The result was terrifying. But I was all like zen-yolo. So I honestly didn't give any flying toothpicks as to how the food looked.

I lied. I was actually kinda afraid to eat it.
But you know what I did? I trusted my zen. It turned out to be the most delicious stir fry I ever tasted. I might even cook a second batch for myself. It just goes to show that being zen pays off in the most major ways. So just relax and get your creativity going!

This cat should help.

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