Monday, June 17, 2013

Awards day!

"Sweet Victory" by David Eisley & Bob Kulick

Victory was the theme of today. Why? SENIOR AWARDS DINNER! I won the award for the choral program. Which I wasn't expecting at all. So it was a nice surprise.

Sanswag and Critic both won speech awards for being awesome! They were very well deserved.

It was a dessert party, so I had ice cream and cotton candy, a classic carnival combo!

Kind of like this but separated.
It was fun watching people strut up to the podium to get their rewards.
This isn't an exaggeration
There was an envelope on my award. I opened it and I found a $250 check. O.O I wasn't expecting free money.

That's money!
So it will cover some college textbooks I assume! I like free money!

I didn't know how I was supposed to dress on the way there so when I got there and saw everyone dressed up, I literally put my dress pants and dress shoes on in the parking lot of the venue. It was worth it too, because I didn't look like a bum receiving my unexpected choral award.

And that's all I have to say about that. I know this post is short, but today wasn't super exciting. Sure, senior awards. but there weren't enough juicy details about the event. Jenny Craig was keeping track of how many of our super friends got awards. We collected 20 togethah. So I guess that's cool. See? No juicy details! Oh well... It is what it is I guess...

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