Saturday, July 13, 2013

Numb Mouth

"CANDY (UFO mix)" by The Sweetest

You ever get that feeling when you eat a cookie cake and your mouth is numb because of the sweetness of the frosting for 30 minutes.

I got that right now.

I had a wonderful 18th birthday.

(ok I obviously don't STILL HAVE  that feeling. I started this post yesterday but got caught up in General Hospital.)
TMI? Sorry...
But yeah! I got CHOCOLATE and a SOLAR POWERED HAT-FAN! and Candy and Cupcakes and more candy and ice cream and cookie cake...

So I am very very happy.

It's a little ironic that on my 18th birthday I got all of the things that children love. 

Like candy. 


My parents have this birthday policy they started implementing like 2 years ago.

They give me full ownership of the cake and ice cream.

I get to decide which people can eat it at what times.

I feel like there should be cake insurance for more people.

Imagine it... Your friend asks for a slice of cake, and they get a slice bigger than yours.

What is this blasphemy?!?!?

But with cake insurance, YOU issue out the slices.
Not bad indeed.
So If I were to become the president I would provide free cake insurance, cakecare, and medicake for all citizens who buy any type of cake.

My name is Rtyoyo, and I approve this message.

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