Thursday, June 27, 2013

So today is Graduation!

"We Walk" by The Ting Things

GET IT?! GRADUATION?!? WALKING?!?!? WALKING AT GRADUATION?!?!?!? I don't. We just assume that walking and high school graduation are connected. They ain't. High school graduation is actually a great deal of sitting.

Ok, So my parents snored again but this time I woke up at like 6:00 instead of 2:00. So I could deal. I had to be a The College Where You Purchase Things at like 11:30. And we had to rehearse our Green Day Senior sing song(s). The auditorium was excellent and the microphones were state of the art. And I got to see the Trouble Singers all crying and stuff during the rehearsal. Yeah, during the rehearsal.

Wait until we actually leave!
Then you'll really be in the dumps. For Woosh Woman, I was the tear ignitor. In response to that I say GOOD. I know what you're thinking:

You see, I believe that there is no point in mentally delaying the inevitable tears and the emotion behind the seniors graduating. So if you're the type that cries, GET IT ALL OUT.

So after rehearsal, we were put into alphabet lines outside of the auditorium. And we were waiting so long we started playing Can Jam with our hats. SPEAKING OF THOSE HATS. THE DAMN TASSEL.

This kept happening
They are the most ungodly creation. WHY DO THEY EXIST?!?!?!?!?!?!?!???
So then we all sat in our stage chairs and listened to people go to the podium and talk and talk and talk and talk. Even the Vice President of Birds was talking for a while. One person did knock it out of the park though. Her speech was quite near perfection. Like, she definitely got the 1 in that OO round. And that was the Tennis Tyrant, the Tactical Triumph, our Class Salutatorian, INFOA! (Hey it's a good one. It uses the letters in her name and she is smart with information!) Her speech was the perfect balance of humor and sound advice. 

So then we sang the song. Fork? We sat down again and they had a slideshow of our high school careers. I was a T sitting in the waaaaaaaaaaaaay back. So everyone in the slideshow looked seriously distorted.

I wish this were an exaggeration...
Then I got my papers. Then I got pictures with Sanswag, Scampi Joke, Jenny Craig, DaBrill, Infoa, McMuffin, Tuna, Panini, blah blah blah.

Then I ate cheesecake.

4 MORE 2 GO!

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