Saturday, June 8, 2013

I prepared this post yesterday

"I'm So Happy I Can Dance" by The Salteens, Jack Black

But I didn't have time to sleep and so let me tell you about what is now yesterday!

So, it was the last day of school EVER and I needed more signatures for my yearbook. So I went to school. All the other seniors weren't there because they were all like:
Ummm, yah.
Don't get me wrong I don't resent them for it. If they want to go around pretending like they're grown (-_-) fine by me...
Umm... Need some ice for that burn?
But no seriously, I don't care. The fact that my classmates drink and party says nothing horrifyingly bad about them. At least not in my eyes.

Let's change the focus to me. So... What did I do after prom. Why the super happy super song? Well. During Harmonizers I noticed that Broadway was crying. This is because it was the last day for her to see me and any of the other few seniors there on a typical school day. So after failing to intercept Critic on the way to his car, Broadway's sister, Amy Rose, invited me to hang out at her abode. She was already bringing over The Motley Crew so why not add another house guest?
Hey. Just stoppin' by... heheh...
In a way it was kind of like my own personal after prom. Minus the tonics of course. I got to meet Broadway's puppy, Lil' Muffet. He was the most adorable thing ever, and constantly licked my face to the ends of the universe. There is another side to Lil' Muffet though. If he doesn't get his way, he'll attack. And he holds grudges too. Broadway was placed into two epic battles with him. Over a scarf. He noticed the scarf Broadway was wearing and wanted to play with it. But Broadway, caring a great deal about her scarves, put it in an unreachable place. Lil' Muffet turned into a jumping jackal of justice. (I say justice because Lil' Muffet wanted that scarf and didn't think it was fair that he couldn't tear it to pieces.)

You best give me dat scarf!
And Broadway was out matched by the sheer speed of Lil' Muffet. So when she finally got him in his house she was like:
So after watching some fierce British people with Broadway, I ate pizza with The Motley Crew and watched the most ambiguous movie ever with Hipster, Broadway, and a Koala on my neck. So yeah. I'm glad I got to hang with Broadway on the last day of school. I had a really REALLY fun day.

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