Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Team building!

"If I Didn't Have You" by Billy Crystal, John Goodman

So yesterday I did team building exercises with my mom's nonprofit theatre group. Why, well the staff are getting trained for the summer program. There are gonna be a lot of kids and dealing with pre-teens and teens is a complicated business.

Ha! I'm not going to BE a staff member! I'm just going to be an available resource. I'm too busy not being in town to trifle in the affairs of the summer childrens. In other words, I didn't need to be there for training, but decided to make it an educational experience personally.

So I learned a lot about working with other people and making them feel important and about the two way street that is trust. I mean, I already knew about the power of teamwork, but it was fun learning skills that will definitely help me work with others in whatever I'm doing.

Which brings me to an interesting argument about the classes we learn in schools...

Why aren't there teamwork classes? We have our concrete courses, Math, English, Science, History, you know the works... But if there are people qualified in classes just teaching teamwork skills, why aren't there any in schools. I guess one could argue that Sports, Clubs, and Activities make up for the "teamwork" classes. But do they really? I mean, so much drama evolves around the ego's of the people in these clubs and activities. There are a lot of teams with self-centered members who can't see the bigger picture. That's not a bad thing, It's just how they function. Also this is America, so individuals all the way! I don't know... I just feel like if there were a class like the teamwork class I participated in yesterday in schools across the country, Americans wouldn't be competing with themselves as frequently as we do today... And progress would happen...

There is some food for thought for you... I'm seeing a show with Psyche today, so I'll let you know how that goes...

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