Thursday, June 27, 2013

So today...

"One Winged Angel (Final Fantasy VII)" by Nobuo Uematsu

Is the day before graduation. My family had to all sleep in the same room for the first time in a looooooooong time. I didn't get much sleep though. Why you ask? Both of my parents snore LOUDLY. That is why I chose this ominous song. I would be up. I would check the clock. 2 AM. My dad snored like a chainsaw attached to a lawnmower with the engine of a Honda. And My mom is the same but with a regular lawnmower engine. As soon as my dad would stop and I would think "FINALLY! SOME SLEEP!!" Mom would start her engine and ruin my life.

I didn't get much sleep so I was not in a good mood when we took a family trip to Playland.

And that's exactly what I did
I didn't really like Playland anymore. Having gone to Six Flags every year for Chorus including this year, Playland felt mediocre.

Also, We took the kiddies too. Do you know what that means? KIDDIELAND. ALL. DAY.

My mom of course wanted me to ride with Whiney so I tried to... Then I blew my hip because I was too tall for one of the rides. I thought I was comfortable at first but then the ride started an my thigh bone was pressing into my hip bone and it hurt a lot and I was trying to hide it but it was so hard to hide that pain.

I didn't go on any more kiddie rides. Kiddie land is the most dangerous side of the park.

And we did and went to the beach. I was 9500% done and just wanted to go back to the hotel. But the beach was relaxing.

Staying stressed is very difficult
BUT WE ALL MANAGED TO DO IT. Bean started playing with the other kids toys. That was our queue to leave. 

For dinner I ate at PF Chang's with Whiney and Mother. That made up for the snoring.  

5 TO GO!

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