Saturday, June 29, 2013

I'm back to my old habit of being a day behind

"The Friendly Sound" by Lemaitre

I didn't know what to blog about. I've been just chilling for the past three days. Like this song. Ridiculously chill.

I added a new rule to the Wikipedia rule.

If I don't like the random topic it gives me, then I have to come up with my own post topic.

Besides, who REALLY wants to hear about a bunch of actors named William Cranberry from the 1960's?

Of course you do...
Well, I don't feel like reading all those articles so TOO BAD!

How I feel about voluntary summer reading.
If you want more Wikipedia posts: make your own blog.

sorry, that was my sass talking

What I'm saying is that if I have other things I want to talk about, don't expect too may Wikipedia posts.

Didn't I already say that in an earlier post? 

It's my blog. I can be inconsistent.

I used to like reading though. When I was like 13.


So yeah, I used to read for leisure. But then school ruined it for me.

They would give us summer reading. The books are usually really good too. But then they would attach a damn test to it.

And then everybody fails because everybody read the book for leisure. Reading should be required over the summer, but don't throw a test in there so that we automatically see the book as a symbol of failure.

I would do some leisure reading this summer if I didn't have BEAN to babysit all the time. I would probably end up reading the same paragraph over and over again because she is a constant distraction.

Well, of course now that the post is over, I thought of a better song... :3

"I'm Reading a Book" by Julian Smith

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