Thursday, June 27, 2013


"Doing the Sponge" by Spongebob Squarepants

So the day after graduation My college had this luau for all incoming freshman.

Everyone was like this
But then our mutual awkwardness as a new class melted the ice. We all actually started having fun and socializing and what not. We had a water balloon tossing contest. My partner for that was a cool dude. His pseudonym will be Tossle: Because he was an excellent tosser! We almost won both times. 

Then we played limbo. I survived for a surprisingly long time despite my height.


That's more like it!
I was especially impressed with another cool dude who was awesome at limbo. I didn't talk to him but I swear if he isn't going for dance then I might just spontaneously combust.

But he was all like

And I was watching all like
Then I met an Accounting Major and another BFA Acting Major and a bunch of people who I can't attribute pseudonyms to yet and socialized successfully for a good hour and made shapes and got on the train and went to deliver gifts to people who helped me out this year. 

And I went to Garbear's house and was interrupted by Horribear's negative energy, but then I went into the basement and found Garbear! Watching an 'Murkan movie about 'Murka!! It was really cool that I got to see him before leaving town because I feel like it's going to be quite a long time before I end up back in the town where I attended high school. Wow. It's gonna be a REALLY long time isn't it... 

I'll end the post here before your sobbing starts.

3 LEFT YO!!  

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