Sunday, June 9, 2013

Do you want to know what I've been doing all day?

"Fly Away" by ChiyoTa

Well, I chose this song because I have and unusual amount of freedom today. I quite literally did absolutely nothing productive. Let me give you a visual of my day...

Yes. I was playing the game depicted in the gif for a straight 5 hours. I know it seems crazy, but the variety of characters and fighting styles keeps me amused for ridiculous amounts of time. Another fact is that there are new things to discover with every character. Also, I want to sell out every item. Every character has around a hundred customizable items. There are about 50 characters. It takes time people. But the gameplay is so fun that I love taking my time. So that's what I did today... I wish I could provide a better topic... YOU KNOW WHAT? I CAN PROVIDE A BETTER TOPIC! Just wait and see!

Ok, I'm gonna try something new! I'm going to go to Wikipedia and read a random article. Then, I will summarize the information in this article to YOU. Ok? Sooooo READYSETGO!

There is a Spanish guy named Rafael Berges. He plays football.
Yeah. The football involving feet.
He played as left defender... I guess that means he's a liberal?
Yay! Soccer freedom!
He started by playing in kiddie pools of soccer leagues.
Ahh, humble beginnings...
He played a lot. Like over 200 games. Then he helped Spain win the 1992 Summer Olympics in soccer.
But then he got hurt.
Sooooo now he spends his time as a coach! You go Rafael! Live the dream!

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