Friday, June 21, 2013

Pool party!

"Pool Party" by The Aquabats!

Soooooooooooo Songbird had this whole graduation thing going on. And she decided HEY Howzaboutapoolpartee!

Was it fun? Yes. It was. Critic was there and Sanswag was there and even Politician was there too! Songbird had chips and free cupcakes and a pool!

The only thing I wasn't all that crazy about was the lack of organized activity. Everyone was kind of free to do as they wished. I don't like those kinds of parties because I am indecisive as to what I WANT to do. My indecision then leads to boredom. 

Critic was trolololing with Politician the whole time, especially trolololing Curly Q.

Crisco was (Practically) making out with Mantaray since he arrived. They would repeatedly walk into the damn woods and be missing for a good while. Then come back like nothing's happening.

Like we don't know what you're doing in the woods...

And I, well, I spent my time mainly with Bucky, Broadway and Woosh Woman. I didn't do much at all. Which I don't regret. I kind of liked just watching everything happen. 

I did do some stuff though. Like go on the trampoline with Sanswag, Stancakes, and Sassafrass.

I was all like

In response they were all like

I have no control!!!
In response to that I would be like

What else did I do? Hmm... I played volleyball for a little bit against Politician and Critic.

But then I kind of spiked the ball into Songbird's pond.

Did I do that? 
And they had to use the pool cleaner net thingy to get it back.

That's pretty much all I did. So yeah. It was fun and stuff.

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