Friday, June 7, 2013

Look I know it's technically tomorrow but...

"Scatman (ski-ba-bop-ba-dop-bop) (Extended radio version)" by Scatman John

Look, I'm technically behind again... BUT I AIN'T BEHIND! Prom was tonight! Give me a break! mkay? Mkay. So why such a fun song? Because Prom was super fun! So I'll start from the beginning.

So I was getting dressed and stuff and all was going well. Until I had a little run in with that dastardly clip on rental tie. Seriously, when they measure your neck they get you a tie that only gives you juuust enough room to breath. I spent forty minutes trying to put that thing on. FORTY MINUTES. Then when I finally did get it on it was not-quite-choking me to death. Swallowing was a bad idea because then the tie would brutally attack my Adam's Apple an extremely uncomfortable situation.

My neck is still sore from that tie.
So after that ordeal I was picked up and transported to the limo pick-up place.WE went to take pictures somewhere nice but then it started raining. So we tried to take pictures under the umbrellas. We looked quite silly, so we took the limo somewhere that had a roof and everyone, parents and siblings and half-cousins-twice-removed took 1,000 pictures each. I personally don't get it. It's just prom...

Then we sat in the limo again... at this point I was ready to go to sleep because posing and smiling for what feels like ten hours is tiring... we got to West Point and they had us in the waiting area for like three days.

...umm...when is prom happening?
Then we sat down in the main area and ate some sub-parr food. They didn't even have salt for the mashed potatoes. HOW CAN YOU NOT PROVIDE SALT FOR MASHED POTATOES?!?!?!? That's like saying "Oh this car suits you well!" Then you buy the car and it's got no engine!

Then came the reason why I even went to prom... The dancing. Here is a little visual of the dance floor.


No seriously, I left that dance floor ON FIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

And then we got candy, sat in the limo, and now I blog before you.  So yeah. It rained on prom which kinda sucked. The food was nothing to brag about either. BUT THE DANCING, OH LORD THAT DANCING MADE UP FOR ALL OF IT. My date Dabrill said I did a good job. I held her stuff and shielded her from the rain, things men in suits usually do.

Yep, that was prom.


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