Saturday, June 15, 2013

Ok. So I went and saw a movie today.

"Signal in the Sky" by The Apples In Stereo

This is the PERFECT song. Why? Because I saw Supermovie today. (I got lazy with the title...)

So what did I think of the movie. Well, it was extremely well done action-wise. The fight scenes were MINDBLOWING. However, the plotline was too typical. But it was Superman. So it's not like they can change the plot for my convenience. But you know, it was the same old "Save the day get the girl". But at least it was extremely well done.

I begins with The Jesus I mean Superman being born on planet Krypton. Russell Crowe is all like "YAY! A JESUSBABY!" Why Jesus baby? The planet is dying and Superman is the only hope. (generic much?) Then Not Superman, who is not a super man, is all like, "Nooo. preserve the bloodlines! I'm the savior here!" But they still send The Jesus to earth.  Russell Crowe then attempts to sing "Bring Him Home" (You see, he wanted Valjean, so this was him trying to show he was capable of doing it the whole time. It also seems to fit here being that he sent his son away...) But just before a word leaves his mouth, Not Superman stabs him in the heart. That was probably the most heroic event in the whole damn movie.

So Superman crashes in the woods. Dora the Explorer finds him. Dora was on another berry hunt and she also happened to stumble across Wonder Woman. Pretty nice coincidence, coming across 2 baby superheroes on a berry hunt. So they both got tanned good under Dora's care because Dora is always going out in the sun all the time. They were known as the Super Babies!!
Super Babies!
Dora's parents couldn't afford the extra kids so they literally threw Superman and Wonder Woman to the streets, and they went their separate ways.

So Superman goes to Old McDonald's farm. So Old McDonald was all like "Boeh, Don'chew go 'round these parts actin' all wild'n'supa! You'll git'churself sood! Lyke Mr. Incredible!" 

But he's Kung Fu Jesus. He can't help himself.

So he goes around doing miracles and everyone thinks he's Morgan Freeman but no, he's Kung Fu Jesus. He then gets stalked by a fangirl. Then Not Superman shows up all like "Where's The Jesus?!" Superman answers the call. It turns out that Not Superman is a racist and pretty much wipes out all of NYC to breed his race. Fangirl was also taken onto the ship. She is approached by Ninja Ghost Russell Crowe (How is his ghost a ninja? He makes shadow clones!) And then he tells her how to end Not Superman and his hurtful racism. Fangirl tells Superman, they end all racism. They get married. Superman gets a doctor... Professor Utonium. The Professor takes blood samples and examines them personally. He also runs tests on these samples... FOR SCIENCE. Professor Utonium does this to help Superman understand his abilities more. When the professor was trying to artificially create some daughters, he spilled one of these blood sample concoctions... CHEMICAL X into the mix. AND THUS THE POWERPUFF GIRLS WERE BORN! 

So I guess Superman fathered the Powerpuff Girls. Which is funny because the song in the post was created specifically for them.

Mind blown yet? Wait, there's more. So the Powerpuffs save Townsville until they grow old and die. Then HIM takes over, and transforms into his true form. AKU. Townsville needs a new savior, and the Professor takes the reigns under the alias: SAMURAI JACK!

What. You don't believe me? Is all of this fictional baloney to you? Very well then...

Bam. The whole story is true.

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