Friday, August 30, 2013

Today was pretty chill.

"With my Hands Covering both of my Eyes I am too Scared to have a Look at you Now" by Team Me

Today was pretty chill.

I got some new pseudonyms.

And these people actually READ my blog.

So they better be good...
So I went to this thingy today and the theatre faculty just threw an overwhelming amount of information at us.
When it was over I was like

That was a lot of information...
So after that I met up with Daria and we searched for a source of nourishment in the building.

Yes. Nothing was found.
Then Mormon Man and Peter Potter joined us in our quest for Starbucks.

There were some wrong turns but we eventually located one and mingled like college students do with our ice coffees and our tapas.

There were no tapas...
Screw accuracy.

So we had an extended discussion about fandom.

Then we left.

And we went to The Mormon Dorm.

And watched exceptional performers. 
Not-so-exceptional performers.
My hot mess Fruma.
And we watched some girl with very severe dissociative identity disorder. 
There was also breadfish.

Then I went on a McDonalds run with Daria and Peter Potter.

Then we played a game of "who is the most demented person in the room."

I lost. :)

Then I visited the Magical Ginger.

I think the Magical Ginger is secretly Batgirl.

Wait I don't just think.


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