Thursday, June 27, 2013

Billy of the Politics

"Buy Nothing Day" by The Go! Team

You see, yesterday and today were both nothing days. (You should expect a lot more of these coming too) so I'm just going to finish off the Billy McKinney Trio.

This one was a politician. But he was a hippie too. I know OXYMORONIC MUCH? But "Hippie" is relative. Not all hippies are FIGHT THE SYSTEM types of people.

Not every hippie owns pretty cars.

So at first, this guy was a donkey politics-wise.

Meet Billy
But then he joined the Green Party.

I know what you're thinking "Where is the green party? I wanna come!"

It's on 150 Varick Street
But wait! Before you go I need to finish my story!

So he joined the green POLITICAL party

yeah. political.
And the green party supports. Well. Green stuff. Like vegetables.

He is well known for integrating the Atlanta Police Department and he even got a highway named after him! Go Billy!

But then he lost his seat in the Georgia house of reps and his daughter lost her seat in congress because they said some stupid stuff.

Nobody really liked his daughter's foreign policy ideals. 

But that's beside the point because when someone asked him about his daughter using old endorsements for her campaign in 2002 he said:

"Jews have bought everybody. Jews. J-E-W-S."

I mean sure he was a prominent Jewish leader but seriously? He was all like

pshhhaw. Guuurl. 
And it got him fired.

And then he died three years ago.

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