Saturday, July 6, 2013

My parents are still absent

"Ain't That Fresh-Original Mix" by Futurecop!

OK. My dad doesn't show up until 6:00. I have been dancing far too much so the earlier the better.

As my high school readers know, I am quite the personality on the dance floor.

You know that saying "dance like no one is watching".

That's what I've been doing for the past two days.

It's pretty bad.

I have Spotify radio on my iPhone, so I'll listen and be like
Hey nice beat
Then the song will strike a nerve in the dance portion of my brain and I would end up in a full fledged dance spaz attack!

But this only happens when there are no persons older than 12 in the house. I don't have to worry about being caught dancing in a rampage.

I'm always dancing in public. 

I would say it's embarrassing... But it's not. If I am having a good day and I'm dancing (well, not DANCING... I call it "moving rhythmically") on my way to the supermartket, you're just going to have to deal with it.

And for the most part, people can deal with it.

I haven't gotten any negative feedback from it yet.

But I have gotten feedback before.

People would be all like

I saw you dancing in the street this morning
And I'll be like

Then they will be all like
I like your spunk, kid.
So yeah. I dance everywhere. But when I'm alone, I sweat and stuff. I go ballistic.
Dat's me.
So yeah. I'm having a good day.

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