Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Happy Anniversary Maw and Paw!

"Circle of Life" by Viva Vox

This was their wedding song.

Yes. I know my parents are awesome.

I had to stay behind to babysit today while they went out on a movie-date.

I didn't mind.

It was their ANNIVERSARY for cryin' out loud!

I was planning on legitimately packing too.

And usually I'm in a fuss when my plans aren't achieved.

But Packing can always wait.

Tomorrow, the day before I leave, I'm gonna do it!

WOW that isn't last minute or anything.


So I need to go prepare to prepare right now.

Sorry there are no gifs, but they didn't seem needed at this particular moment in time.

(Or I'm just too lazy to go surfing through tumblr for them, you decide.)

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