Sunday, October 20, 2013


Ok so I figured I might as well start with my professors. So yeah. That's where I'm starting. I'm not starting anywhere else.
So imma start with my favorite Professor and that is...

Allow me to explain.

So why is my current BFA Acting teacher Captain Planet?

I dunno. It seems fitting.

He is super clean and super nice but he has zero tolerance for pollution.

Like in class he's all like:
So in turn the energy of the room is enhanced by his constant chillness and constant excitement.

However he has no tolerance for pollution. He has a very all or nothing mindset, and he constantly warns us with foreboding emails. HE USES CAPS LOCK AND IT'S REALLY SCARY WHEN COMING FROM A POSITION OF AUTHORITY. 

Me after an email is read
But he does it because he cares a great deal for each and every single one of his students. So I don't mind it so much that he constantly reminds us of the risks because it keeps us going.

Another thing: he REALLY hates vampires.

He wants us to bring as many stakes as possible to every class because vampires are actively trying to take over the world as we know it. He doesn't want the life of our scenes to be drained by these vampires so we constantly have to raise our stakes in self-defense for practice.

He wants us to find our natural selves and bring that energy out when we perform.
WITH OUR POWERS COMBINED WE make theatre happen n stuff...

He loves everything that is natural. Hence he is Captain Planet.
He doesn't like pollution. Hence he is Captain Planet.
He sends scary emails. Hence he is Captain Planet with sass.
He doesn't like vampires. Hence he is Captain Planet with sass and a stake. 


Yep. I can do stuffs.

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