Monday, August 26, 2013

So let me tell you about yesterday

"Second, Minute or Hour" by Jack Penate

So yesterday I moved in.

It was a huge family process on everybody's part.

It was so smooth.

Like SLADE smooth!

And then our mothers left all teary eyed.

And it was just us.

Me and my fabulous roomies.

So one couldn't come in a last-minute-everything-literally-just-fell-apart sort of way.

The school doesn't even officially know he's not coming. Which is sad.

The other two are here however. And both of them are fabulous!

One of them crosses his arms and puts his legs together when he sleeps. (I notice these things.) So he will be called Black Adam.

Ok, he looks a lot less menacing than this.
Unfortunately I couldn't find the correct picture of Black Adam so you can see why that is my roomie's pseudonym.

Anyways. The neighboring roomie is from Puerto Rico. But I don't have a pseudonym for him yet. I need to recognize a trait that resonates. 

I'm glad to have these guys in my room because they are both pretty reasonable people and have cool parents too.

So that is my opinion so far. I don't think there will be too much conflict because there are only 3 (soon to be four because the spot will probably be filled) people, AND We got the best room because we paid early. 

I don't know if the assertion would be DRASTICALLY different with seven people... But less people definitely makes things easier.

So does a lot of space.

And individual mirror cabinets in for the 3 (probably going to be 4) of us.

I'm not as worried about the forth person not meshing because this 32nd floor dorm is so nice, I don't think they would send a problem child to the nicest dorm (KNOCK ON WOOOOOD)

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