Sunday, August 4, 2013

So about the Mormons

"The Black Eyed Peas Medley" by The Spartones

OK. So I saw the Book of Mormon today.


It was vulgar and disgusting to the point where you wondered "HOW DID THEY GET AWAY WITH THIS?!?!?"

But yeah. It was really REALLY good actually. The plot was motivating despite the sheer absurdity of the comedy. That's hard to do... Props to the creators of South Park.

I would go into detail but I really don't know how I would go about it. You really have to see it for yourself. The show was filled with vulgarity but the vulgarity, which could have driven the audience out of the theatre very easily if executed incorrectly, was actually overshadowed by the storyline. You have to see it to believe it. It was very impressive.

So that's all I got to say about that.


What should I do to fix this problem?


There once was a cranky walrus.
Hello Phil
Phil was cranky because the kids in the neighborhood kept egging his house.

So one day, he was able to get those kids arrested by replacing their carton with a carton of BROWN chicken eggs.

The kids were arrested for animal cruelty.

And Phil got his house back!
Look at how happy he is!
Hmm... Chicken abortions? For selfish benefits? Woah. So The Book of Mormon DOES have effects on one's storytelling!

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