Tuesday, August 27, 2013


"21st Century Life" by Sam Sparro

Today's orientation was much more awesome than initially expected.

First the LC group played this icebreaker game that required extreme short term memory.

Everyone was all like

And then there's me.

You're name is Bethany in my imagination.
After that we had a dynamite rave! IT WAS LOUUUUUUD TO THE POINT WHERE I HAD TO TAAAALK IN AAALLL CAAPPPS! But it was hype yo.

Then we talked about nerd stuff.

Then this guy came and mind screwed us all.

No really.

He was better than Mr. T.

Not many can beat Mr. T at life.
And this guy did.

Then some lady came and literally stuffed the room with warm fuzzies. 

Then there was this open mic thingy.

I guess that was aiight.

I kind of want classes to start NOW. But that won't happen until NEXT WEEK.

I just got to wait this "orientation" thing out...

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