Sunday, August 25, 2013

Shopping. Way too much shopping.

"Belleville Rendez-Vous - Version Francaise" by M.

So after the wedding mother and I traveled to the grandmammies house.

And we went shopping.

For more stuff.

An incredible amount of more stuff.

And she had to explain the infinite uses of all of the things to me ONE by ONE and I was all like:

I gotcha. Can openers are used on cans.
Then she labeled EVERYTHING with my name.

I mean sure we spent a lot of money getting the stuff but c'mon...

This isn't Animal Planet.

I don't think we need to pee on our territory like lions do.

We're humans.

We use words...

Shopping with your grandmother can be quite a hassle sometimes.

After the first hour she's all like

She's old. Stamina isn't her strong suit.
But she got SO MUCH STUFF and it will all come in handy so I am forever grateful for that.

So that was yesterday.

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