Sunday, August 11, 2013

OK so I'm three posts behind and I failed the IL driving test twice.

"Sonic2 Chemical Plant Zone" by C.D.S.

So I'll tell your how I failed to this epic Sonic music

So the first time I failed I was kind of derping around cause I was nervous.
I wasn't even checking my blind spots.
Then yesterday I had almost everything PERFECT but I turned the wheel the wrong way parking downhill.

So basically I derped during and only during the most important part of the test. 

I was a chest hair away from passing the damn test.

One god-awful chest hair.
But hey, I'll do it again soon. I've been through it twice. My birthday is July 12th. 1+2 is 3.

3 is my life number.

And I share my birthday with Bill Cosby.


I know. DEEEEP DOWN IN MY HEART. I'm gonna pass that thing.

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