Thursday, August 22, 2013

Welp. It's time.

"Dear Miami" by Roisin Murphy


I figured I might as well summarize my high school experience.

I remember the ice cream freshman orientation. It was pretty cool I guess. I was placed in Sanswag's group. The person showing us around was pretty cool.


You can't just tell the freshman to run a quarter mile.

Ugh. Freshman.
But I was in a couple shows with her as she was a part of the drama club. So I guess it was forgivable...

I remember the pep rally. There was a dance contest. ONLY TWO FRESHMAN ENTERED.

I was one of those two.
So Boiler and I danced.

We lost to the seniors

But everyone thought it was rigged.

And I started to become viral. Everyone knew my face and I'm pretty hard to miss because I'm ridiculously tall.

Then I went through this awkward phase in which the miscreants seniors forced me to dance and rap for them during lunch. I didn't mind. I wasn't trying to "fit in" anyways. I'd already done exposed myself to the whole grade. 

That lasted for like 2 months.

Was I knocking over bottles yet?

I'll save that for sophomore year.

I tried debate. For a week. Maniac's requirements were just TOO MUCH. Then Critic introduced me to speech. Cleft the Boy Chin Wonder was still coaching. Great guy. Not so great coach.

I did WILL SMITH as OI poetry.



I started stalking Garbear. 

This was the year that Bucky and Broadway showed up.

They are so cool.

I did the Wizard of Oz with Crazy summer prior.
And this was the year when I did an out of school production of Hairspray.

I was Seaweed.

And everybody really saw my ability as a performer then.
GOD that was fun. I was with Broadway Sr. She was wonderful. Psyche was wonderful. The Magic Singing Ginger was wonderful. Critic was wonderful.

God I loved that show.

Too bad my voice was not in great shape on the final night. (Of course that's when they recorded too -_-)

But opening night was just FABULOUS.

I began my best speech category, Duo, with Garbear.
We did Spongebob.
And We would have been a hit if I didn't have so many rehearsals. (I was in two casts see?)

At lunch, I knocked over everyone's water bottles for no reason.
Everyone got so pissed about it too.
They tried ignoring it.
They tried scolding.
But I was one stubborn cookie! >:)

OH YEAH. I created my own religion. You had worship a magic cherry tree or something...

I also told EPIC stories to Broadway. About Oichi! and caves and whatever came to mind. Just like in middle school with Slim Jim.

And Wasome started up an acapella group too... Singchronized! And we built buttercups and what not.

Then there was Acafellas. The less cool male acapella chorus. The songs were too slow.


We only competed once.
I pretty much gathered the coolest people I knew and created a Justice League of Improv.

Awesome doesn't even BEGIN to describe that experience.

Maniac was the coach for like a week.


And we became awesome interpers.


This was the year of my second and HUGELY successful duo with Sanswag.

MAN our team was SO GOOOOD. We were introduced to tuna and I did Peanut Buttahprod summer prior.

And I fell asleep in a Sarcophagus.

Critic still doesn't believe me.

Which is reasonable.

But I had a dance party in there and tired myself out. So I laid my head on the top corner and next thing you know...

That was my favorite straight play that the Starboard Stars did.

Singchronized did more awesome stuff.


I gave Woosh Woman all sorts of near death experiences.

Critic and Sanswag beat the video game of Forensics.

I beat the game of Song.

Sanswag and I WERE CAPTAINS of the speech ship.

I honestly put my all into helping the youngins as best I could when I could.
And the help they received from the seniorities got a few of them to states!

And I met Koreawoman and Dr. Turkey Fist. (FINALLY, SOMEONE WHO KNEW MARVEL!)

And I did WISE with Obi-wan and Sponzcake. That was probably the coolest thing I ever did in high school...

Wow. All of those experiences. All of those people.

And here I am, about to do another Four Year Education cycle with a completely new set of people. Who I'll LIVE with.

And I'll have voting rights this time.

I'm so happy to have been a Sailor. And I wouldn't have done a thing differently if given the chance. So I guess this is a shout-out to the Sailors. You won't be forgotten and you sure haven't seen the last of me! You've seen the last of daily me... But I'll definitely visit from my not-so-far-away-college-paradise!

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