Monday, July 8, 2013

Sorry. I should have posted yesterday

"The Running Range" by The Go! Team

I've been watching a TON of movies recently. Yesterday (after watching a movie) I got caught up watching Curleh Mustache 2 in the West. No that's not a movie. It was an 8 hour fighting game tournament and I watched the stream from the very beginning.

I was raised on fighting games.

I also had bloggers block. Broadway suggested that I blog about my blogger's block but I didn't want to because I don't know, I knew there were topics but I couldn't find them.

So of course I'll post twice today but this post will be about Amazon Princess Dianna, Kung-fu, Heaven and Hell, and obnoxious Fillipinos.

So I already told you about Hunger Games.

After that I watched your resident feminist superhero
Animated Superhero movies are usually pretty good. Wonder Woman covered the social issues concerning women today and kicked butt while doing it. Good job.

Then I watched another animated superhero movie.
It was pretty cool
Basically a sophisticated monkey stole and used Batman's plans to stop the other members of the Justice League should they turn evil. So after stopping the monkey, Batman was kicked out of the Justice League for being over-prepared. He was then replaced by Cyborg. I liked Wonder Woman more because of the social aspect.

SO Netflix added this new thing to the PS3. His name is Max. He is basically Siri's cousin who is a game show host. He was all like "Nicholas Cage or Jackie Chan?"

I was like JACKIE CHAN!

Duh indeed.
So I ended up watching a subtitled chinese kung-fu movie from 2011. Yes they still make kung-fu movies.
It was really good actually
It was about this guy who tries to kill his older brother over land. But then is betrayed by the youngest brother who happened to be the main character's head general. Youngest brother tried to take them both out. But protagonist escapes with his dying daughter and goes to the monastery with his wife (who also survived) to get her to not die. She dies anyway he attempts to kill all the kung-fu monks because they didn't "save" his dying daughter. He is kicked out falls in a ditch meets Jackie Chan is labeled a fugitive by younger brother and becomes a monk. You can probably guess the rest from there.

Yeah. It was good. There were only kung-fu scenes when they were necessary. I don't know what it is about Asians but they are incredible actors. It was very well done. The only criticism I have for the movie was to get a better voice actor for the one white guy. He only had one line in English. But the delivery was  GOD AWFUL. 

"They stole my treasure, blow them to pieces"

He sounded like... It's really indescribable, but I'll try. He sounded like your typical 80's cartoon villain who was fired to be replaced by a better voice actor.

I was rofling while the shaolin temple was being destroyed because during the final fight, the terrible actor's cannons were just destroying EVERYTHING while Jackie Chan was trying to lead the regular not monk people to safety. Cut to a shot of the horrible actor laughing. No, he wasn't even laughing. He was literally saying "Ha Ha Ha." And it wasn't even synced with the on-screen laughing.

I died.

I was all sad about the temple

I missed a good portion of the movie thanks to that. It was only 20 miliseconds though. So it's like they knew how horrible he was but they couldn't go away from the script so they made it as short as possible. If that was the case, then he should have been given more time to laugh so I would actually have time to pity the fool and not die.

You see, my natural reaction when it comes to bad acting is "LOL"

Then I feel guilty and think "Well, at least they are trying, respect yo!"

I only had time for the LOL.

So yeah. I still have to tell you about the Heaven and Hell and Curleh Mustache. But this post is getting long so my second post for today will be part 2 of my movie marathon.

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