Monday, July 1, 2013

I should really stop making post titles about being one post behind.

"Tokyo EVOLVED" by Naoki Underground

It's like I have some unconscious problem with consistency like this song!

I mean, maybe if something somewhat INTERESTING happened yesterday then maybe I would have something!

Yes Rtyoyo, blame it on LIFE. How very responsible.
I did nothing yesterday.

So what should I fill this post with, Velociraptors?!

Why the hell not.
So imagine waking up one day as a velociraptor. But still having a human conscience. What would you do?

Would you go about your day normally?
But that probably wouldn't happen without issue. Your friends would all ostracize you and call the Popo.

And they won't hesitate.
So really, what do you do? Do you calmly explain your situation because the bullets will kill you, or do you fight as a protector to all reptiles?

You decide, I'm not the Velociraptor in the room.

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