Monday, July 29, 2013

Yes I'm behind blahblahblah wahtever

"Airmail Special-Club Des Belugas Remix" by Ella Fitzgerald

BAH. Random scatting because I actually don't feel like putting work into a song for YESTERDAY'S post...

So what did I do yesterday.

Well. I went driving.

As you may or may not recall I STILL don't have my license.\

So Pop and I went driving. We drove in heavy Sunday mall traffic. I didn't hit anything. AGAIN!

I know I'm awesome at driving
No really, I'm kind of a great driver. Probably because I'm terrified of driving altogether.

I worry about everything.

If I see another car I think of this:


So I make sure not to hit the other car.

If I see a tree I think of this:

So I watch out for that tree

If I see with my eyes I think of this:

If I am still breathing while I'm driving I think of this:

I am so scared of crashing. So I follow the rules to avoid it at all costs. I don't care about the police. I just don't want to hit anything.

When I took Driver's Ed in NY, the course had all sorts of "scare'em straight" videos about not being drunk and not sleeping and not using any cellular devices.

I didn't care much for those. I'm not stupid.

But the videos of the car crashes had me terrified because you can be intelligent and IT COULD STILL HAPPEN TO YOU. NOBODY IS SAFE. EVER. EVER. EVEEEER.

Or at least that's the motto for driving as far as I know it. "You are never ever ever eveeeer safe so follow the rules to maybe decrease the probability of crashing by .02 percent"

Then we worked on parallel parking.

I've almost mastered that. It isn't incredibly difficult once you find your parking groove.

So that ends yesterday's post.

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