Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I have to go to my mom's job picnic in 2 hours

"Hey, Won't Somebody Come and Play" by The Little Ones

My second post will be about the picnic. But for this post I'll talk to you about a video game that I got for my birthday that I was reluctant to play. I know. Not too interesting. But its summer, C'mon!

So I asked for Infamous 2
I know the game is a bazillion years old
Why did I wait so long to play the game?

Well I got it very cheap. Which is good. 

But you see, prior to my birthday I had given up on adventure games. Why?

Well the first game I ever got on the PS3 was Sonic 2006.

Worst idea of my life so far
And then I actually tried to PLAY IT.

You see, Sonic 2006 was released a year earlier than expected because fans wanted it that way. So it still had crazy bugs and that made things incredibly difficult.

I gave up trying to hop across that damn cliff in Sonic's snow stage.

And I gave up on that freaking impossible and slooooooooooooooooooow ball puzzle in Silver's desert stage.

Two technical problems made me give up on adventure games.


I was like twelve.

I watched a play through of Sonic 2006 and it took 30 minutes for the college students to get that ball in the right hole of the maze. All the other levels took five minutes for Silver.

And it took them some retries to get across the cliff too. The timing was so weird.

So I gave up and stuck to what I knew best: fighting games...

So that is why it took so long for me to grab another adventure game. 


So the very first thing I do is fight a giant flaming person called "THE BEAST" 

It was terrifying
That's him
So I totally didn't want to die so I followed the on screen commands and kept shooting my electric powers at him, and the dock was falling apart and I was so FREAKING scared.

It was awesome.

I was totally immersed in the environment of the game. The game was PLAYABLE! So I escaped the beast and I had to lower a bridge... There was a generator at the other side, and I had to use my Pikachu power to lower it. 

I blew up the generator.

and there was a village right next to the generator

I blew up a village full of enemies sure, but women and children too...

I had no idea that was possible.

So now I know I have to make moral decisions too.

Games are getting so good nowadays!

I am very satisfied

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