Monday, July 29, 2013

So today's post!


I won't post the song until I try this.

So I've got nothin' again. But I want to make this post fun.

What if my friends had superpowers? What would they be? What would be their superhero identity?

I found this thing called so I might be able to bring that prospect to life!

Who should I try first?...


NO! I mean Broadway's sister!
Ok. So first thing's first! She needs a theme song!

"Don't Give Up" by the Noisettes

Yes yes yes! It is the perfect amount of attitude demonstrated by a female vocalist and a crazy guitarist! This choice is a very good fit.

OK so the origin story.

Amy Rose is well known for her spunky attitude, her unwillingness to stand down to any threat, and  her liking for dinosaur chicken nuggets.

So one day she was rocking out on her uke and eating dinosaur nuggets simultaneously when her dog, (Lil' Muffet I recall.) Stole her whole plate of nuggets! GASP! So she chased him around the house in an attempt to get her nuggets back. When she found Lil' Muffet there was only one nugget left. She decided not to eat it and to nurse it back to full health after that traumatizing attack from that ferocious puppy.

Then came a thunderstorm and the power went out. Where did all the electricity go? It was all absorbed by that nugget bringing it TO LIFE. 

Amy Rose and the Dino nugget: named Rick, had a growing friendship. Rick got pretty big.

Rick began to demonstrate his powers of electricity only when it was needed. 

Amy Rose's car broke down one day and he fixed it in a snap.

Amy Rose: WHA?! RICK?!?! HOW DID YOU???
Rick: I have something to tell you.
Rick: Ever since you gave me the gift of life, I have had these powers. I can control the TV without a remote, I can control the stoplights on the road, You just saw me jump start your car...
Amy Rose: Whoa that's crazy dude!
Rick: I guess this is my way of giving back.

All of the sudden Amy Rose felt a tingling feeling all over her body. Did she have the power? She pointed at the stoplight. She was able to hold it on caution for a long time. YES! SHE DID! But what would she do with it?

She got a job at GE so she could indirectly assist in the creation and effectiveness of their products, providing literal SPARKS.

One day she was able to catch a hostile signal that came FROM OUTER SPACE. 


She was the only one who received the signal and therefore the only one who could stop the attack.

To this day she is tapping into alien technology and effing things up to prolong the attack. But she made the costume for when they inevitably come.

Name? BAH. Superhero names are overrated! 

Power breakdown: Electricity Manipulation
Users are able to absorb, conduct, generate and manipulate a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons) which give the user control over electric fields, electric charges, electric currents, electronics, and electromagnetism.
The user can diverse various electrical-based attacks, ranging from simple to complex attacks. Simple effects may include the ability to generate electricityshoot lightning, or overload a circuit. More complex ones may include manipulating energy in a person, directing current in a more complex route than the one of least resistance, firing sparks, turning off electrical devices, or electrical constructs. With applications ranging from direct electrocution and high energy output, to more complex abilities such as hacking, and electromagnetism generation and constructs, the user is able to control electrons in a variety of the effects that often yield positive results,making Electricity Manipulation one of the most powerful and versatile element.

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