Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Amy Rose hacked into Broadway's computer and sent a message in the form of a pop up:

UsE YoUr PoWerS!!! WE Have thEm sO YoU muST HaVe TheM tOO. SaVe ChIna!!!!

There was a whole fleet filled with soldiers about to land in China. Koala figured that out. The aliens were to start the invasion by brainwashing and transforming the citizens of overpopulated China.

Broadway knew about her abilities but had never used them to their full extent before.

Because her sister's message seemed urgent, she flew to China at supersonic speeds!

That is, of course, after getting a theme song and making a costume.

"Madame Coquette" by Yuliet Topaz, Tape Five

It is upbeat and swingy and it oozes classiness as well!

Now for the costume:

Broadway discovered her powers when she started singing.

She was in Animal Kingdom at Disneyworld humming on the safari. The elephants actually reacted to her humming because she could hit frequencies that are unnoticed by the regular human ear. The elephants actually WALKED UP TO THE BUS to talk to Broadway and no one else. This kept happening with other animals. Bats, Cats, Hamsters. Amy Rose was able to put two and two together pretty quickly. There was no special way that Broadway had gotten her powers, she was pretty much born with them.

She flew at the speed of sound to China where the aliens were just beginning her plans. She blew them away with her singing voice and got a standing ovation from the kidnap-ees. She yelled at the UFOs and caused a sonic boom so powerful they were crushed by the impact. While she would have stayed and celebrated an easy victory with the Chinese, she kind of wanted to see what was happening on Tumblr. So as quickly as she arrived, she disappeared. 

Meanwhile, in the mother ship main control room, Koala was fending off the aliens for Amy Rose while Amy Rose was using the controls to deactivate all the active UFOs. Then they both left the mother ship still running so the aliens could leave.

The aliens, realizing their plot was foiled, all packed into the mother ship and flew away.

All leftover alien gear was donated to science.

That was totally relevant and necessary. I have no regrets.


Sound Manipulation:

The user can create and modify sound waves to mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as powerful physical force and high-speed movement. They can affect music as well as produce it.
At low frequencies, sound is potentially fatal to living beings by causing internal damage, while high frequencies cannot be heard by normal humans but can be used for sonar-like effects. Since sound vibrations can travel through the air, ground, water and any form of medium, defense by using physical barriers is difficult. The vibrations can also affect at a molecular level.
In essence, sound is an invisible, deadly weapon and a versatile tool.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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