Friday, July 5, 2013

Everything is great!

"Captain Hampton and The Midget Pirates" by The Aquabats!

I am Captain Hampton and my sisters are the Midget Pirates.

In other words, things are going extraordinarily well with my sisters.
Actually, yes.
The sponsor visited last night to drop off Whiney and Bean is manageable as long as she isn't left alone. Today we did some arts and crafts, and ate food, and did normal people things.

I guess it's better if I tell you what we didn't do.

We didn't leave the house like this:
Had I left Bean alone, this would be very accurate
So I guess I have to give myself a pat on the back for not allowing room for strange occurrences. I can actually be somewhat capable when given the proper equipment of care taking like:

Sufficient food 
Sufficient food
Sufficient food
All you need are the incredible variety of necessities displayed and half a fl. oz of caring and you can take care of my sisters!  No really! I think the reason why I had so much trouble was because I lacked that fl. oz of caring. That fl. oz is vital to the whole equation. But It's all fun and easy now!

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