Monday, July 8, 2013

Alright let's finish this up before I don't

"Your Woman" by White Town

Ok I'm going to finish my movie ranting

So the next movie that I saw was a drama-romance-fantasy movie titled The Dreams that May Come.

Hey, I used italics!
Wait, I didn't do it for the sake of correctness...
I italicized the movie title because it was overly romantic. and SLOOOOOOW. It was kind of complex. So I'll explain it in incomplete sentences to maybe reduce the chance of confusion?
Experimenting with the science of grammar...

Man in boat.

Woman in boat.

Boats bump.




Kids die.

Wife unstable.

Husband dies.

Goes to heaven.

Wife suicide.

Goes to Hell.

Husband rescues wife.

Help from kids.

Daughter suddenly Asian

Son suddenly black

Mentor suddenly white

Husband finds wife

Power of love.

Both in heaven now.

I forgot to type EYE CANDY. That was 75% of the movie. Seriously the artistic scene designers pulled out all the stops... And they made sure that we saw every detail of every scene.

For instance, in one of the scenes when Husband is talking with his suddenly Asian daughter, there is a wide shot of an angelic acrobat and a flying mermaid.

Why be a mermaid if you prefer to fly?!
Seriously though.
I was wondering this DURING THE MOVIE because there were five hundred thousand close ups on the flying mermaid. The mermaid was an extra. So she must have been extra-lucky to get that much screen time.

Whatever. It's heaven. Contradictions are allowed. The angel acrobat got just as many close ups. I'm thinking: "WHERE DID THE MOVIE GO?" All the scenery, while extravagant and extraordinary, was too distracting for me. 

And the movie score was all slow lullaby music. Even for Hell. 

One would think they would contrast the music a little bit.

But no it was all the same lullaby music.

Also, the romance was just too sappy. It was unrealistic.

But the movie argued that Heaven and Hell were personal to each individual and that where you end up isn't definite... like in life... Husband could have been sucked into Hell looking for his wife. But he was able to rescue his Wife from her personal Hell and be in a shared heaven with her.

Yeah terribly romantic and sappy, but interesting nonetheless.

OK! Curleh Mustache! I don't have much to say about that except for a cool little karma story.

So the dude who won the international championship was there to play an exhibition with last year's second place guy. He murdered second place guy 10-2. He then grabbed the mic to be all like "THIS IS AN INSULT THIS GUY SUCKS I FEEL DISRESPECTED." 

Rude much?

But wait there is more, He then would grab the headset for the stream and get into arguments with the guy who streamed the whole thing saying stuff like "Let me talk I'm the expert you don't even play this game."

He was almost eliminated from the top eight. (HE BARELY WON.)

Then he got EIGHTH PLACE. 

All of the sudden he stopped harassing the dude on the stream...

That is all I have to say about that.
So yeah. That's it. I'm caught up. My college books were delivered so I might post about them tomorrow... Idk.

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