Friday, July 19, 2013


"Planetfall" by Ugress

So I was looking at my high school yearbook and I came across a picture of Woosh Woman and I thought about how much she complained that I didn't talk about her enough in my blog. Well I CAN'T THINK OF A TOPIC TODAY. So this one is for you, Woosh Woman.

I thought, why not make posts combining the knowledge presented on Tv Tropes and their yearbook pictures?

I know this will be EPIC. Just like the song I chose.

It'll be a character analysis! I LOVE THOZE!

And Woosh Woman, you are the first on my not yet created list!

Your Welcome.
Ok, so let's do the easy part first PICTURES...

Woosh Woman has four according to the index. 

High five to the Yearbook Club for adding an index!
Ok! Page 78 shows her typical yearbook photo.

I know what your're thinking 


But the taking of the yearbook photo can be one of the most difficult struggles of a school year. There are so many ways to eff it up. 

You could choose a background color and its a rotten tacky shade of a perfectly credible color.
Lazers? REALLY?!
You could smile too much.

Forth grade. Note creepy farm-animal shirt.
(via Beth)
I'm scared.
You could smile too little. 

.....His lips are in the shape of a smile, but... Is he really trying? Or is it.....
You can even fall asleep and wake up with the shock of the flash in your face!
Does he even know where he is?!?!?!?!?!??
I am happy to say that Woosh Woman's yearbook photo is juuuust right.
Nice blue background.
The smile isn't too large or small.
The hurr is well did.
You done good.

 PICTURE #2!!!!!
On page 93 you see her drawing for a club. It doesn't say which club. The only words on the page are Curly Q's description of the Hispanic Honors Society which should REALLY be on page 92 because her picture is on THAT page... And a gigantic caption with (Where was I? I just had to get dinner for my mom and all of my creative energy was getting sapped from doing that.) Umm... Oh yeah! It says

Hmm... I've never heard of the "involvement club." Isn't the whole idea of  "Clubs and Activities" about involvement? So this page feels kinda... generic. So let's take a look at the others in the picture (I won't use pseudonyms for this section I'll use anagrams. You'll get some letters of the name (more or less)... BUT IN CODE. PS: Woosh Woman's anagram is Showman... for her real name she is the Coy Ox Racer!) 

The other members of generic club #23 depicted are:
KARATE SOUL! (I only used her last name because it's so cool!)
Yo Dunquirt!
Hidden Cameo!
and Mapmaker Ed!

In the picture Woosh Woman is engaged in an intense battle between her pen an a loose cannon piece of paper who doesn't play by the rules!
and her coworkers are looking on with awesome intensity
This is a major operation!
and they have a large amount of ammo to tear this paper apart!
It's a nice picture.

NUMBER 3!!!!!!!
Page 98: A picture of... The SUPER SINGIN' SAILAHS! I was standing too far to the right to be in the picture! (thank god. I make some strange faces when I sing.) 

Dawww you all look so nice with the blue dresses and the suits! 
Right! Focus Rtyoyo! You're not even halfway done yet!
It's not THE BEST photo but it's not like we could stop singing for pictures... What if we did... 


Ok I got a hold of myself. What a horrible prospect. I'll never think about it again.

WELL now that I'm thinking about it I'll give you the code names of the coworkers. (Some of these people I have pseudonyms for and will end up with three code names: pseudonym, anagram of the pseudonym, and anagram of the name. IN THAT ORDER! Some might only have one anagram of the real name because my creative brain (shockingly) isn't infinite...)

Nickelodeon Flowers aka Snicker Wolf aka Risk Cone 
Mantaray aka Tar Man aka Yo Caramel
Dr. Vibrato aka Bravo Dirt aka Win Bruises
Stubborn Babes
Critic aka Citric aka Uh Ran Off
Bee Knave Bob
Vex Alley
Stancakes aka Eat Snacks aka Fantasy Lyre
Panini aka In Pain aka Blondish Ferric
Jenny Craig aka Cranny Jig aka Reformer Jinnis
Songbird aka Rib Dongs aka Ayah Darn Snuff
Curly Q aka Curly Q aka One Manana Squid
Amy Rose aka May Sore aka Raise Ovens
Queen Ball Pi
Sneering Skirt
Iota Recall
Cartooned Pi
Steps aka Pests aka Ice Caviare Sails

Those are the people in the picture.

Then there is a statement by Songbird about how supacool choral kids are and yeah.

Finally page 100, the Sophmore class committee picture!

They had the most people caring about the school.

I mean, of course she's there she's in generic club #23: They don't mess around!

This page has a fat

I don't know why they bolded "interests"

It makes the page feel kind of ominous...

Like an unexpected disaster is going to destroy my interests.
Maybe I seems ominous because the government will be charging interest on my loans.
Yep. It's the government.
Uh Reefer Ions
A Sir Mamas Rash
Tzar Crib Heel
Queen Ball Pi
A Mezzanine Pod
Her Beard
Birth Clamor
Foam Gel Me
Gummy Bear aka Yumme Brag aka Baggy Air Cab
Anon Ninths Sons
Nice Eeell
Anytime Oriel
In An Avacado
Hidden Cameo

Yo Dunquirt
Sweetie Yank
Odd Junk Roach
Daily Manure
A Hey Smiley
And Finally: Meerkat Man aka Me Karma Net aka Lemur Pin

 Of course Sophmore Class has the most participants... It was run by the famous Meerkat Man himself!

Wow this post is getting really long... and all for one person?

It's worth it, It's not like I have anything better to do...

Well... Couldn't I at least make it 2 parts? Because I'm only half finished...


Yeah it'll be 2 parts. It is technically tomorrow so I just keep truckin!
Visual pun.

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