Monday, July 22, 2013

I'M CURED!!!!!!!!

"Valerie-Version Revisited" by Mark Ronson, Amy Winehouse

I FEEL SO  GOOD RIGHT NOW. Very much like this song.

What could possibly make me feel this way?

As the title suggests I've been cured of a virus.

That virus being Candy Crush.

I'm a happy camper.
I don't mind the notifications so much anymore. I've been on the front lines of the striped candy.

It feels wonderful.

Sometimes, I'll try to play candy crush but get bored in the middle of my first life.

Candy Crush is BORING to me now!!
I feel so accomplished!

Now to another topic: THE MOON

Why the moon? Well, it's full tonight, so that means it influences my everything.

Nothing usually influences my everything.

A full moon has this strange way of sabotaging the mind and body. I feel so peculiar right now and I don't know how to explain it... But I'll try

You see I was doing dishes and as I was doing them the glow of the full moon was in my peripheral vision. And now I feel all floaty.

It's probably because a full moon is so bright and I'm not used to that at night.

That rhymed.
Thank you, I'm flattered.
I'm kind of at a loss for words right now.

So I'm going to make up a story.

Once upon a time (yesterday) in a land far far away (Cleveland)...

It was a dark and spooky night...

There once lived a little girl...

She didn't like birds...

She had a good reason though because they pooped all over her toys all the time.

The oldest bird, Larry, was the meanest of all the birds and the only one capable of human speech.

(The reason why the bird can speak is because he had some of Granny's alphabet soup. It happened to a dog too named Martha. Martha has a show on PBS Kids. It's pretty good actually)

And one day this bird spoke to the little girl. The conversation went like this:

Girl: That's not my name.

Then the little girl slashed him with a batarang.

She was Batgirl the whole time.

A concerned witness called PETA.

PETA saved Larry. 

Batgirl was arrested.

Gotham was nuked by The Penguin.


Story time is over!

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