Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Whoooo boy. Parents.

I'm gonna talk about how my day went yesterday. So I got to hang out with my cousin Gambler yesterday at this excellent excellent place called GAAAAAMEWOORKS! They had everythin' there. They had my favorite type of game: the-beat-the-living-crap-out-of-your-opponents games. AND THEY HAD LIKE 10 DIFFERENT MACHINES FOR THIS TYPE OF GAME!!!!!! YEEEEEEES!!!!! They also had FOUR count'em FOUR DDR machines. I got to play Red Zone! RED. ZONE. possibly the MOST POPULAR AND MOST WIDESPREAD DDR SONG IN EXISTENCE!!! Yes. Gambler ended up losing all of her points within the first five minutes. The gambling ticket games cost like 1/4 of a 300 point card. ITS RIDICULOUS. The games I played costed like 1/89th of a 300 point card. So she ran out and I still had like 230 points or something like that. So out of the kindness of my heart I allowed her to use MY card for gambling. SHE REALLY WANTED THAT T-SHIRT. It turns out my card was lucky. SHE WON. 1000 Tickets. ONE THOUSAND. That was more than enough for her t-shirt. And I benefited as well. (It was MY card she used anyway...) So I got some candyyyyyyyyy. Weeeee! And I got a greasy burger. Weeeee! And I got frozen yogurt. Weeeee! And I got left at the house with the children all day. Weeeee! ALL DAY. Weeeee? See, Motherbot and Fatherbot got bitten by the jealousy bug and decided to go away while Gambler and I babysit the kids. It's understandable. It's only fair that they get a day off too. But still my hands are feeling full Gambler is being useless and leaving me to do all the work. Whiney started playing this imaginary game where she is a monster. This freaked the living kabuki out of Bean. But I turned on the penguin show and now they're farily calm. For now... To be truthful my parents aren't REALLY taking a break. It's parent teacher night at Whiney's new school. So they need to be there. Geez. To the parents ever get any breaks? They probably do. But it doesn't seem that way. I really don't plan on getting anybody pregnant anytime soon if children require this much maintenance. I had to cook and serve dinner. Change a diaper. Scream NO! Whenever Bean tries to climb on top of the television. (I don't really know if I'm supposed to scream NO! To save her or save the TV... I think it's both... Probably...)

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