Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Escape! DAY 2.

I told you it was coming soon! So yeah. Speeeeeeech will be Speeeeeeech. So what happened on day 2 of my epic escape from Illinois wasteland began in the morning. Which is strange. NOTHING happens in the morning. But yah. Garbear had a small mission to go on. He was to ELIMINATE all Kommunisto artwork in the Hipster Museum. And he couldn't do it alone. So he gathered members of THE SELLER'S GUILD! This included Broadway, Sanswag, Bucky, and myself. (Critic unfortunately could not attnd because he was gathering firewood for his mother for the honorary ALL-AMERICAN-SHRIMP-POTATO-BARBEQUE! A legitimate reason indeed.)I know what you're thinking: WHY WOULD THOSE KOMMIES EVEN DARE TO SNEAK THEIR POISON ARTWORKS INTO THE HIPSTER MUSEUM?! Well, it's obvious. THE MUSEUM IS RUN BY HIPSTERS. They might misinterpret evil for art. So we successfully infiltrated and annihilated any and all Kommunisto artworks. BUT WE WEREN'T DONE THERE. We got intel from Horribear that there was a kommie kongregation in the nearby park. We searched it thoroughly as if we were using Google's advanced toolbar... Yet we found not one kommie. This was relieving because there was no conflict whatsoever. But this was worrisome. WAS HORRIBEAR ATTEMPTING TO INTERRUPT OUR MISSION?!?! That would have infinitely slowed us down had we not finished the job. Not to my surprise when we entered the Bear Cave THERE SHE WAS. She released this gas in my sleeping area the night before that made people go crazy. It took effect that night. And I was rampaging around like a rabid wild boar. She did this specifically to antagonize Garbear. AND SHE WILL NEVER BE FORGIVEN! That Kommie used me as a WMD! I wasn't expecting to be turned into a hyperactive-kommie-zombie. But I was for a hot sec. It's a good thing I paid a visit to the ALL-AMERICAN doctor known as THE LORAX; or else I would have never been cured! And thus concludes my epic stay with the Bears.

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