Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Yeah. That's right. I kicking into gear again! I am gonna serve you a freshly cooked batch of bloggylicuiousness! So LET'S BEGIN. Hmm... Topics Topics Topics... OH YEAH! DUH! Ok so I'm currently in suburban Illinois (in other words, stranded.) And it's not quite as isolated as Wisconsin in the LITERAL aspect... Buuuuuut. There is no cable and the only internet connection I have is my iPhone. THIS SUCKS. A. LOT. I need to watch the news ON THE TV. Not on my phone! News is meant to be watched on a good ol amurikan televiser! But noooooooo. Cable wants to wait a week. I feel like a character on Lost or something! I'm going insane!!!!! Wait. I'm already insane. Nevermind. This is the perfect environment! I get to work on speeeeeeeech! And again, I still got my iPhone so It's not like I'm completely cut off from the rest of the world... yeah... Tea Parties!!!

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