Tuesday, January 29, 2013


DIS DANGED PRINTER. IS CAUSING ME SOOOO MANY DANGED PROBLEMS. I'm just minding my business, trying to print my Shakespeare paper, and my printer is being a sassy little valley-in-the-hills girl! OMG PRINTERS. They are so freaking bipolar! ONE MOMENT THEY ARE ALL LIKE "COOLIO DUDE! LET'S MAKE PAYPER!"
Man's Best Friend of the technology world!
The next second, they are destroying your life. no really.
Couldn't print documentation? EVICTION.
It only takes the slightest provocation to get a printer ticked off at you. I tried to print but nooooooooo it required more ink. Then I ended up accidentally disconnecting the printer from Wifi, THEN, when I fixed THAT problem (Which took a freaking HOUR.) I learned the hard way that I had the wrong ink replacement the whole time...........
I'M. SO. FREAKING. MAD. One would THINK a printer wouldn't cause so much trouble! You don't understand! Printers require so much maintenance and one TIIIIIINY flaw and your whole night is freaking occupied trying to fix it! People think black cats and spilled salt cause bad luck. NO. PRINTERS CAUSE BAD LUCK.
NOT. FUNNY. (actually that's a pretty good one.)
Printers are secretly plotting the demise of humanity!!!!!!!!! This Pie Chart IS PROOOOOOOOF!!

I'm telling you. And I'm telling you good. Printers will destroy us all. We need to destroy as many as possible so that nobody can be betrayed by them anymore. Who knows? Maybe Charles Darwin was really talking about printers when discussing survival of the fittest...

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