Friday, January 18, 2013

BU Audition!

Seeew I had a college audition today that went fairly well today. So yeah. I guess I'll describe my journey to Boston.

So first, I had to get on a choo-choo. For an hour. Then get on another choo-choo at Penn Station. Penn Station is this place that always smells like really REALLY epic popcorn. Also, Tropicana owns the ceiling. Lastly, there is this HUGE BOARD THINGY that doesn't tell you which track to go on until the very last minute. So there is always a massive crowd of people just standing and staring at that board.
"Gotta keep checkin' dat board!"
And I really really REEEEEEALLLY wanted to buy popcorn but I didn't have time. Penn Station is a place that seems to move faster than the speed of time. I thought I had like thirty minutes to spare but I was so dazed and confused that it felt like I only had two. Between the board and the people and the Tropicana it was all very perplexing.
So I get on the train and it's business class and everybody is in corporate looking fancy forensics suits and I'm all like:
Hey, guys. I see you have a neat graph right there on ya laptop.
Then I got off at the wrong stop.
But today's audition was excellent! At first the judge was very unenthusiastic. For good reasons, my humorous wasn't quite as developed as my dramatic. But he showed DEEP interest in my dramatic piece and completely transformed it from this:
Yeah! Pretty cool!
And the best part is that now I can totally incorporate this power into my other auditions! So it was a win-win! A mutual discovering of hidden potential! And I am very happy!

I wonder what new things will come of tomorrow's audition...

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