Thursday, May 30, 2013


"Inspector Pachuco" by BYU Vocal Point

AND I'M BLINGIN!! So much awesome has happened this year that I kinda don't know how or where to start... So I'll just sum it up in three words. HEN HUD WINS! YAAAAAAY!!!

No really, we win.
Okay. So I would go into detail but that would take long. So I'll make this frank. Sanswag wins. Singers win. Rtyoyo wins. Critic wins. Just winning.

But it's all a conspiracy. 

Charlie Sheen is in town. He is actually Gandalf. Which color? Ummm. Win. Charlie Sheen is Gandalf the Win. 

One does not simply produce Win.

And every year he goes undercover into a high school and starts a viral infection. This infection is called... Erm... The Win. And everyone caught it this year. I rarely ever get sick and even I got The Win.

Everyone has different symptoms to The Win. 
So I guess this is a congratulations to all of the winning we have been doing lately. I'm gonna be singing tomorrow so I hope this win streak keeps going! Oh, I also hope I can keep this blog streak going too... This is the first time in a while I have blogged so the posts will probably be longer in the future. I'm just glad to finally start blogging again!

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