Wednesday, January 16, 2013

So I took my first of many road tests today.

It ended up like this:

But I can try as many times as I want so: Hataz Gon' Hate. You see, I went in there feeling confident that my skeels were up to par. However, when I met the cold, unfeeling, tax collecting proctor, my fate was sealed. I knew I was dead from the very beginning.

So the proctor looked kinda like this:
"This ain't gonna work. Puh."
Seriously, I thought everything might actually work out. But as soon as I realized my proctor was a sassy African-American woman, I knew my chances were ZIP. Where should I start. I hit the curb parallel parking. This really sucked because I did it perfectly multiple times moments before the test. The proctor (let's call her Bonquisha) was playing psychological mind games with me the whole time. Bonquisha was silent. It was creepin' me out and messing with my flow. Bonquisha also gave me extra points on things that  she didn't point out to me. I'm not too bummed though. Bonquisha won't be there EVERY TIME. 

The one thing I don't understand is how freakin' hard the test is. Yet people still suck after getting their license. It's all like, "Prove to us you can drive perfectly for 5 minutes then you can roam free and make up your own rules." MEH. Oh well. I just have to hone my technique and I'll do better next time. 

Maybe had the weather been more generous, I would have done slightly better. The weather sucks today. Yesterday was fine. But today. Nuh-uh. Not even the weather was generous. 
The roads will be nice and clear tomorrow for my--WELL CRAP.
We had a 2-hour delay. Most schools were closed. But not us. We're Edumacatyional hipsters. I was dumb enough to WALK to school. What should have been your average stroll turned into the most adventurous trip on the planet.

There was the risk of THIS:
Never underestimate the depths of a puddle on the side of the side walk:

Remi Gallard Splashing
However a lot of good did come from this journey, when I finally got to school I felt like a GOD.

I know I'm awesome.
After that I felt like I could survive ANYTHING!!! Well, except a driving test.

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