Tuesday, September 25, 2012


So I sit next to this kid in chorus right... He was a bass. He's in a tenor section. But Dennyden has a gut feeling he is truly a tenor. I have to side with Dennyden here. He can hit the notes. He just needs to put his body into it more!

Ficklefry uses his bass muscles when he sings. So this causes a problem when he has to sing tenor. Have you ever noticed how basses carry more mass in their bellies than tenors? I'M NOT SAYING THEY ARE FAT. I'm talking internal space at the bottom of the gut? Get what I'm saying?! I don't either... ANYWAYS!! Bases are more likely to be the ones singing "FRIED-PUH CHICKEN-PUH" In a food song. I'M NOT SAYING THEY ARE FAT. I'm only saying that "Fried Chicken" is best sung by a bass. My ears are more pleased by a low, soulful bass making a soulful sound with the pit of his stomach: the spot where the words "Fried Chicken" feel most comfortable. What a powerful sound that would make! Just imagine: FRAAAAAAAAHD CHIIKEEEEEEN!

wow. Tenors, on the other hand are more in tune to using the upper half of the stomach to hit jarringly playful notes. That is what I think the real problem here is with Ficklefry. He just can't handle the playfulness of the tenor notes. In a food song, the tenors would be the celery part: straight forward most of the time, but playfully tricky other times. CELERY, CELERY, COROLLARY CELERY! I think Ficklefry needs to adjust to the occasional goofy tricks that happen in tenor notes... Being a tenor isn't as straight forward a job as being a bass. Celery isn't quite as powerpunch-filled as fried chicken. But I am proud of Ficklefry. He almost has it. At first I had my doubts. (seriously, I HAD MY DOUBTS. Sanswag and I kept dying of laughter because we kept mistaking Ficklefry for a dying pelican with all it's feather being plucked off one-by-one SIYABABOOOOONABEBEFUNUKUSIQUETA! ONE BY ONE!) Ok. when I randomly burst into Swahili song the post must be stopped...

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