Monday, September 24, 2012


Boy, this year's gonna be a fascinating one indeed! We are doing SHAKESPEAH. Nothing beats that. Why is that? Because I get to be a hopeless lover boy and an evil drunk in THE SAME PLAY. YES!! I WON!! Also, I get to marry Broadway! BUT WAIT! There's more! My rich drinking buddy (and favorite freshman...) Is adorable wittle Jub-Jub. I get to be drunk with my fave frosh. Come On. I know u jelly! Also something Twilight Zone-like happened today.  CRAZY DROVE ME HOME. WE BOTH LIVED. It was profound and amazing and terrifying and those words in succession make this sound like the climax of a DI! Hmmm... So I am also really anticipating this show because it won't have the cast members I'm used to... Yeah... I'm the senior now... Isn't that weird?  One second I'm in the middle of the cafeteria with a group of strange seniors of whom's names I was never told gyrating to their continual chants of "Dance, monkey DANCE!!!! The next second I'm filling out college applications! I'm still trying to figure out what happened in between it all. Just kidding! I'll never forget high school. (OH SHOOT! I'm jumping the gun! The heartfelt "I'll never forget any of this" speech doesn't come 'till! THE END OF THE YEAR.) Note taken. I still got a whole grits 'n potato filled year ahead of me! I can't get ahead of myself! There are still so many events that need to be documented!!! That's kinda cool though. If I were to keep posting like this it would become sort of a memoir. A long, long, memoir. Filled with spider genocide and elderly people and God knows what else...

Another topic of interest: SPEEEEEECH! The speech year has officially started: and the team has had quite the success so far! At the Yale tourney I quarterfinaled in the My Life As A Teenage Robot category, SanSwag quarterfinaled in the My Life Sucks category, and Critic WON in the My Life Sucks category. I am thoroughly impressed by this feat. The My Life Sucks category is especially challenging because well... There are sooooooooo many things about life that suck. Judge preference is very prevalent in the speech world. That is one unfortunate fact. No matter what piece you do: It will never be seen in the same light by EVERY judge. Anyways, Our next venue is a fun little trip to Khaki Central. I'm ready to get my groove(s) on!

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