Thursday, October 25, 2012

I have a vision...

OK. I know what you're thinking: WHY? Well I'll tell you in a poem titled Father Knows Best:

If Vader were president, we would have freedom.
freedom to explore different worlds 
filled with different people
and together we will share and love and be happy.

If Vader were president, we would have jobs.
by jobs I mean occupations
no empty promises
no cutting budgets
no need to work overtime
no need to work overtime because taxes are over due
no need to worry
we are storm troopers.

If Vader were president, we would have Peace
Peace of mind
because we never have to aim at the protagonists
and shoot them down 
because they were Kings
because they were Kennedys

If Vader were president, there would be no
campaign promises
awkward not-kisses
fear of situations vicious

If Vader were president, everyone would be safe
from criticism
from losses
from bombs
from deception...
from planes.

If Vader were president, it would be out of this world!
much larger actually.

If Vader were president, we would be untouchable
like a star in the sky.

If Vader were president. 
Our self-loathing.
Our self-image.
Our self-sacrifice.
Would be acknowledged

Because he has experienced it all

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