Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Snoop the Thundercat.

OK. So I'm currently listening to Snoop the Thundercat. You know, dropping things as if they were maximum heat capacity. What shall I discuss today? Hmmm. How about spirit week!!!!!

Nothing is ever quite as exciting as a full week of limited clothing options. Yesterday was "Pajama Day" Apparently, we all wear gym pants and converses in our sleep. If not, then we all must obviously wear fully body fluff suits with dinosaur slippers to bed. Yeah, very believable. You see, I have every right to be cynical about pajama day because I didn't even know it was spirit week until the day of!! Normally, I am aware of this but I feel I should blame the school for not being as forceful as usual. (Actually, it is totally and utterly my fault I didn't remember it was spirit week. But that can be our lil' secret.) YEAH! What an insanely irresponsible school district *wink*

I just thought of a better topic. So YESTERDAY we had REHEARSAL. When we rehearse, all goes smoothly at first. But each rehearsal lasts 3 hours. After the first hour we are all delirious. The auditorium becomes a surreal wasteland where the rabbits are all rolling in the mud, and the cheese cake. Ballon animals playing cards. Baseball bat. HOW MANY? Oh, elephants are purple it's ok. And the Jehova Witness is knitting a sweater. What you are feeling right now is only a fraction of the confusion that settles in during a rehearsal.

So we are doing the final scene and my coworker, Jub Jub got the excellent idea of jumping into my arms out of fear while Critic goes into a homicidal turtle-with-a-machine-gun tirade. I was told that when Jub-Jub finishes placing all the blame on me I should drop him. But I was told in the most DIRECT way possible. Schnorielli just looked at me with their usual commanding director eyes and said "drop him." So I did. In the most DIRECT way possible. Jub-Jub wasn't expecting it. I wasn't expecting it. Jub-Jub had to use his spidey sense in order to keep from severe (POSSIBLY LETHAL!!!) injury. Then, Schnorielli had the AUDACITY, to blame this on my ears. They claimed that they said "Kinda" drop him. Umm... no. They are "Kinda" wrong. If they said that then how come I couldn't hear it. Schnorielli is constantly going on about projection on the stage. Well, how about they set an EXAMPLE for those who have trouble projecting as opposed to giving vague orders that are open to interpretation! Fortunately, Jub-Jub is not dead. Next time Schnorielli should be more careful when giving orders.

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