Tuesday, October 9, 2012


BOO DADADADADADADA BOO DADADA BOO DADADA BOO DA BOO DA BOO DA BO DA! I am crazier than usual today. That's REAAAAALY saying something. I've had these... these SONGS trapped in my head like little baby blue birds in a cage. They just keep chirping and chirping and chirping and chirping and chirping and chirping and chirping and chirping and chirping and chirping and chirping and chirping and chirping and chirping and chirping and chirping and chirping and chirping and chirping! (WOW. I'll get to that little tirade in the next paragraph.) I feel like Snow Flipping White!! I can totally and utterly sympathize her unconscious need to sing with those baby blue birds! SERIOUSLY!!! She'll be all like "LALALALALLALALALAALALALAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
And I'll be all like
"I don't need no Tee Veee! I don't need no news! All I need is a bumpee beat! To bump away my bloo-oo-ooooooooees!!!!"
And she'll hear my birds, and she'll be all like
"I feel you ma soul brotha!"
And then we will sing in a epic duet! Both of our birds colliding in a massive supernova of AWEESOME!!!!!!
"I don't need no Tee (LA LALA LA LAAA!!) Veee! I don't need no news!(LA LALA LA LAAA!!) (LA!)All I need is a bum(LA!)pee beat! To (LA!)bump away(LA!) my (LALALALALALALALA!!)bloo-oo-ooooooooees!!!!"
Now wouldn't that just be GRAND. A jazzy duet with Snow White. I'll put that on my bucket list.

OK! So, the chirpingchirpingchirpingchirpingchirpingchirpingchirpingchirping thing. I was doing my do, typing my blog like nobody's buisness. Then I noticed the way I typed the word chirpingchirping. IT WAS RYTHMIC. AN OPPORTUNITY!!!! This couldn't wait. I love the way I type chirpingchirpingchirping! It's SOOOO RYTHMIC. Like, rhymic to the point of pure addiction. Chirpingchirpingchirpingchirping is THE BEST RYTHMIC WORD IN THE UNIVERSE OF TYPING. You should try it. Do the chi fast then do the rping at a slower tempo. IT'S SO ADDICTIVE.

"Hey Rtyoyo, the bell rung"
"Hey Rtyoyo, It's time for lunch"
"I'm getting worried, you haven't eaten in three days"
"I'm fine I'm fine! CHIRPINGCHIRPINGCHIRPINGCHIRPINGCHIRPING provides enough nourishment to last two and a half infinities"

The problem here is: That's an honest fact.

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