Friday, May 31, 2013


"T.O.R.N.A.D.O" by The Go! Team

Ok. So why this song for the day? Well. I had a pretty eventful day actually. It involved a SWAT team. Yep. One of those days. But before I get to the exciting parts, let me start with the first thing I had to do.

Ok. So Dr. Vibrato had a performance and he hired lil' ol' me to sing an Android Webber song. Why? Because the notes were all high n' stuff. So Dr. Vibrato needed me to hit those notes. And I did. It felt supa cool! It was one of those heavy emotional Broadway songs. So I felt like this after singing it successfully...

But those gosh darned notes were so gosh darned high that I also felt like this...

help... me...
But in case you haven't noticed, the song in the beginning of this post isn't a melodramatic Android Webber song. Why? Wait, We're getting there!

So the song reflects the second major portion of my day, which was an evaluation of a fellow classmate. Yeah. That's right. I evaluated.

Prepare... 4 EVALUATION!!!!
Wait, wait. I'm not good enough at evaluation to look as drab as this dude. Not yet anyways...

So this presentation was about criminal justice and was done by a fellow student. Let's call her The Mistro... 

The Mistro began by bringing in... (you should go play that song now) A SWAT TRUCK!! But seriously! She brought a SWAT truck to school! Like. You don't do that! You don't just casually bring a SWAT TRUCK to school. Like c'mon! She got an A+++++ already by doing that! Just think about it...

So you're having show and tell tomorrow and you want to bring the best thing. So you bake a delicious red velvet cake and decorate your favorite stuffed animal with great care. You're sitting there all smug in circle time. You've been waiting a really long time for your turn to outshine the mediocre displays. And just as you open your mouth to presentBAAAAAAM!!! The Mistro crashes her SWAT car into the classroom! Without harming anyone! FOR FREAKIN SHOW AND TELL!!!!! Dang! Now that's blowing it out of the park! 

So the evaluators and the audience were led outside to the SWAT truck and all sorts of legit SWAT people were there. They had all sorts of awesome Shen Gong Wu! And they let us USE some of them!

You think SWAT teams don't watch cartoons?

Then we ran a drill. OPERATION LHAFBSTEWLTGDFTDSOTB! (Let's Have A Fake Barbecue So The Enemy Will Let Their Guard Down From The Delicious Smell Of The Barbecue.) The SWATs threw cans of Barbecue smoke and had a platoon of students trek through the delicious smell so as to not be spotted in the delicious smelling smoke. The cans were incredibly small but they had an incredible amount of barbecue smoke. The smoke even got into the school and disoriented a wild Sanswag!

Then after that we went inside and did the generic presentation stuff. And the rest of my day was pretty boring. I guess what I learned was that being SWAT is tough. Let me give you a visual of what being a SWAT means:

They have to pack for a half year vacation

Also this vacation is in the amazon rain forest.
Why I dropped gym...
The job is dangerous. LIKE WEARING CAPES.

And last but not least, having to deal with difficult and saddening requests from the sweetest people.

No, I haven't... sorry :,(
I really admire The Mistro for choosing such an ambitious future for herself. And I'm glad to have been treated to the SWAT truck. A+ Mistro! A+!

Thursday, May 30, 2013


"Inspector Pachuco" by BYU Vocal Point

AND I'M BLINGIN!! So much awesome has happened this year that I kinda don't know how or where to start... So I'll just sum it up in three words. HEN HUD WINS! YAAAAAAY!!!

No really, we win.
Okay. So I would go into detail but that would take long. So I'll make this frank. Sanswag wins. Singers win. Rtyoyo wins. Critic wins. Just winning.

But it's all a conspiracy. 

Charlie Sheen is in town. He is actually Gandalf. Which color? Ummm. Win. Charlie Sheen is Gandalf the Win. 

One does not simply produce Win.

And every year he goes undercover into a high school and starts a viral infection. This infection is called... Erm... The Win. And everyone caught it this year. I rarely ever get sick and even I got The Win.

Everyone has different symptoms to The Win. 
So I guess this is a congratulations to all of the winning we have been doing lately. I'm gonna be singing tomorrow so I hope this win streak keeps going! Oh, I also hope I can keep this blog streak going too... This is the first time in a while I have blogged so the posts will probably be longer in the future. I'm just glad to finally start blogging again!